The Solar plus Storage for Resilient Communities program funds solar and battery back-up power so community buildings can provide essential services when the power goes out.
The WA DoC Grants support preliminary planning and development work for solar plus storage systems. Technical assistance opportunities (Track 1 funding) help communities prepare to apply for Track 2 construction funding applications.
The flow chart below illustrates the Track 1 grant application, funding, and delivery process with Cascadia Renewables:

Step 1: Confirm eligibility and ensure that the primary applicant is a local government, state government, tribal government or affiliate, retail electric utility, or non-profit organization.
The applicant must be in good standing with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and requirements.
Step 2: Collaborate with Cascadia Renewables team to determine the best sites in your portfolio as it pertains to the relevance of the Solar plus Storage for Resilient Communities Grant. Cascadia Renewables will develop a scope of work for the Track 1 application and deliverables.
Step 3: With Cascadia Renewables technical support and detailed scope of work, submit a Track 1 grant application for the relevant sites in your building portfolio.
Step 4: Upon Track 1 funding award Cascadia Renewables will engage with your team to complete a detailed feasibility studies and all necessary design work. We will provide a detailed/itemized project budget, equipment locations/specifications, project timeline (Gantt chart with detailed project stages), system design, operational & maintenance plan, fire safety recommendations etc.
Step 5: Support the applicant in community outreach, education and engagement. Our team is available to be a technical expert/resource for the outreach efforts.
Step 6: Coordinate a final plan/system design with the applicant and review to determine next steps.
Step 7: Support the applicant to submit completed Track 2 application to the Washington State Department of Commerce for consideration.
By following these steps, you will be well-prepared to submit a strong application for the Track 2 RFP response.
Cascadia Renewables has all of the tools to help support an initial Track 1 application for your organization free of charge. Please reach out if your organization would like to explore grant funding opportunities for Solar plus Storage projects.
To learn about Track 2 applications and how we support those...check out our sister blog post to this one here.
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- Markus and Callum